Security Changes Every Windows 10 User Should Do
Here is a simple guide for beginners of Windows 10 device users, which can keep their devices protected. Many times people think that protecting the device from the stealing of the important files might be very tough, but in actual, it is not. To know the different ways of keeping your Windows 10 device data safe, you need to go through this blog carefully. SOURCE: Security Changes Every Windows 10 User Should Do , AOI Tech Solutions Making a save point Firstly, visit the Cortana search bar of Windows. Next, write system restore on it. After that, choose the Control Panel. Then, press the Create a restore point option. Whenever the ‘System Properties dialog bar’ gets displayed, press on the System Protection option. Next, choose the drive that you have the Windows installed with. Most of the people it’s C drive. Then, press Configure. After that, press the Turn on system protection. Lastly, press the ‘Ok’ option. Removing the bloatware Firstly,...